Sunday, May 2, 2010

Risk weight loss pills

Medicines for weight loss is an attraction for many people, particularly women, in their desire to suppress appetite and exacerbate or to get a laxative effect. As long as these drugs are administered under direct medical observation, there is no risk. Otherwise, permanent use of these addictive drugs leads to metabolic disorders, heart rhythm disorders and affective, swelling, etc..

Weight loss drugs appeared on the market and consumers are described as fat, but these products may contain ephedrine and pseudo ephedrine, which have potential negative effects on the central nervous system and heart. These supplements do not reduce weight in a healthy way, not a safe and effective method of maintaining weight and may even cause weight gain. As side effects of administration of drugs without prescription synthesis antiadipoase can remember: arrhythmia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, etc..

Your doctor is only able to recommend or not taking such medication. It is known that diets fade, unbalanced, inappropriate health supplements and other weight loss methods are to be avoided for short periods. The best way to lose excess weight and maintaining a healthy weight is to follow a balanced diet, controlled to impart and improve eating habits, and exercise daily.


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